Martin Luther King Jr Elementary Home

"Welcome to M.L. King Jr. ES Home of the Doves!"
School Building

About Us

Welcome to M.L.King Jr. ES "Home of the DOVES" where we strive for academic success, as we prepare our students be college and career ready AND to overcome all challenges together as a community! With dedicated teachers, administrators, staff and parents, King Jr. Elementary is a wonderful place to grow, learn and work! We are DOVES!! Diverse, Outstanding, Valiant, Excellent, & Strong! 

News & Announcements


Dec 12

ELAC Meeting

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent Center and on Zoom find the link below

SSC Meeting #3 - Title 1

Time: 4 PM – 5 PM
Location: on Zoom

Jun 7

5th Grade Culmination

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Parent Center

Our Mission

Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary will provide all students with a comprehensive and meaningful education, which is guided by the common core state standards.  We will foster responsible accountable behavior and character building by holding high expectations for teachers, administrators, students, parents, and the community.  We will promote college and career readiness for each individual student to succeed within the bounds of their abilities and chosen educational goals.  We will communicate high expectations and the belief that all students are capable of success in order to build trust and self esteem.